In modern world, it is very difficult to build great career and establish a good balance between job and family.
Also, we must say that people who are popular have many more troubles. But if you listen to advices of Cynthia Frelund we are sure that you will find a good balance between your professional and personal life.
In this article, as you can see, we will discuss about Cynthia Frelund, sport reporter, good mother and an amazing women. If you are following sport and you are interested in sport analytic then we are sure that you have already heard about this woman.
We must mention that in this article we will not only talk about her career, job and work, we will also discuss about her personal life. We will talk about her childhood, her marriage, children…
Early years
Cynthia childhood was not very happy, her parents got divorced when she was only nine years old. Cynthia stayed with her mother, but unfortunately her mother had a lot of issue with money, that is why Cynthia was raised by her grandmother and grandfather.
Cynthia has got one older sister, they are very close and they often talk about their troubles and problems in their childhood. Both of them were very close to their grandparents. Cynthia’s mother was desperate, she didn’t have a job and she couldn’t provide a better future for her two daughters.
Cynthia said that in her childhood she was always missing her parents, but on the other side she was very happy that she has had amazing grandparents.
Cynthia finished her primary and high school in Okemos, Michigan. After that she and her sister moved to Boston. Cynthia was good student, she had a lot of talents, and she was good at writing and singing. Also, she was very interested in math and chemistry.
Her dream was to become a scientist and to explore unknown things, that is why she moved to Boston. In Boston, she went in Boston College, and she got her degree in science. She was good and hardworking student, while she was studying in Boston College she has also worked as a waitress in local coffee bar.
After finishing college, Cynthia admitted that things were not going by the plan. She wanted to find a job in her sector, and the job that she supposed to do, but unfortunately she could not find it.
This was one of the hardest moments in her life, while she was looking for a job her grandmother got ill and she passed away. Cynthia was desperate; she was thinking that there is no way out of this situation, her professional and personal lives were falling down, and she couldn’t do anything.
In this period, she was sharing apartment with her sister, and she said that they could not even afford to pay a rent, that is why she was ready to accept any job. After couple months, she started working for local newspapers. This wasn’t a dream job, but she was aware that this is just temporary.
At the beginning she hated her job, after little time, she found that reporting and listening other people stories was her new love, she admitted that she has found her place in journalism, and that is how her love for television has started.
After one year, she got offer from Fusion Company, she accepted it immediately, and she has started working as an analyst. Fusion Company was finance firm and Cynthia was happy to work in this area. We can say that this was her first big opportunity to show her education, talent and skills.
After just two months, she showed herself as a hardworking, ambitious and independent woman. Her colleagues loved her; she was always positive, full of energy and charisma.
After just one year, Cynthia has earned a promotion; she has started working as a senior analyst in a same firm. Her salary was higher, and she was one of the most powerful people in Fusion Company.
Also, we need to mention that Cynthia was named for a best worked in Fusion Company.
She was aware that she missed being on TV screens, that is why she decided to find a job as sport analyst. In 2008, Cynthia stared working for NFL TV, she was sport reporter but this job lasted only two months.
Cynthia admits that her family couldn’t understand her choices because she worked in amazing company, she was very successful and then she has decided to change her profession. Cynthia said that she wanted to find something what will make her happy and something more challenging.
But once again Cynthia was without a job and career, she didn’t want to go back and work in finance sector, she was looking something completely different. From 2008 to 2012 she worked as a Fitness and Pilates instructor.
In 2012, she stared her dream job; she was working for one of the biggest Television in the World, for ESPN. This job changed her career completely, it gave her fame and popularity, and on the other side it gave her a lot of money. Cynthia said that she has never dreamed about this job, and the success that this job has gave her.
From 2016, Cynthia started working for NFL as a sport analyst and sport reporter.
Personal life
Cynthia doesn’t like to talk about her private life and she keeps it in secret, she also avoids paparazzi and she is not active on Social Medias. Cynthia has got a lot of friends, and till now she has got three boyfriends.
She was married, but the couple got divorced after just two years. Cynthia admits that she is not very good when it comes to love, but she hopes that one day she will found the right person for her.
Cynthia is also very close to her mother and her sister; they usually spend their time together. Also, we must mention that Cynthia is passionate traveler; she has visited Africa, Europe and Asia.
She said that travelling is most beautiful thing in her life; she often travels with her friends and sister. She is great singer and she also plays piano, she love sport and she has got her private fitness club, where she still works as instructor.
Cynthia is proving that you should follow your dreams, and that you should believe in yourself.
Quick summary
Full name: Cynthia Frelund
Date of birth: August 24th 1979
Age: 40
Birthplace: Okemos, Michigan
Profession/Occupation: Sport analyst
Net worth and salary: $2 million
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Weight: 54